2017 | Assessing obstacles to renewable energy in heavy haul traction. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Heavy Haul Conference, Volume II, pp. 925-932. Cape Town, South Africa: International Heavy Haul Association. | |
2017 | Rail's three genetic technologies position it for a robust future. Proceedings of The Future of Transportation World Conference. Cologne, Germany. | |
2016 | Policy considerations for positioning rail as logistics and mobility leader in 2050. Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Railway Research. Milan, Italy. | |
2015 | Railways in renaissance: Review of achievements and reflection on prospects. In K. Zboinski (Ed.): Railway research—selected topics on development, safety and technology. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech. Available for free download at: http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/railways-in-renaissance-review-of-achievements-and-reflection-on-prospects, pp. 1-31. |
2015 | Some concepts for maximising renewable energy in railway traction. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics. Aberdeen, Scotland. | |
2015 | Global railway renaissance and its influences on logistics and mobility in Africa. Proceedings of the 2015 Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Africa Forum. Arusha,Tanzania. | |
2014 | Sustainable heavy haul traction energy: A review of systemic issues. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 228(6) pp. 687-694, a Special Issue from the International Heavy Haul Association Conference 2013. | |
2014 | From global research to national rail policy. Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena, Outreach Marketplace Poster #28020. Paris, France: Programme Committee of the Transport Research Arena 2014. | |
2013 | Towards sustainable heavy haul traction energy: A review. Proceedings of the Tenth International Heavy Haul Conference, pp. 904-910. New Delhi, India: International Heavy Haul Association. A revised version of this paper was selected for publication in Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit in 2014. | |
2012 | Urban guided transit: Positioning rail and its rubber-tyred competitors. Proceedings of the Thirty-first Annual Southern African Transport Conference, |
2012 | European- and Global Urban Guided Transit: Green- and Socio-Economic Fit. Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Europe, Athens, Greece. Available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18770428/48 (Item 40), Volume 48 (2012) pp. 415 - 425. | |
2012 | Competitiveness and Sustainability of Railways. In X. Perpiñà (Ed.) Infrastructure Design, Signalling and Security in Railway. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech. |
2011 | Differences and similarities: Learning from heavy haul in cold and heat. Proceedings of the International Heavy Haul Association Specialist Technical Session: Railroading in Extreme Conditions [CD-ROM]. Calgary, Canada: International Heavy Haul Association. | |
2011 | Competitiveness and Sustainability: Scenarios for Rail Redevelopment in South Africa. Proceedings of the Railways and Harbours Conference & Exhibition [www.railwaysandharbours.com/2011/wp-login.php?redirect_to=login-redirect]. Johannesburg, South Africa | |
2010 | Competitiveness and Sustainability – Four Scenarios for Line Haul Rail in South Africa. Proceedings of the South African Industry for Civil Engineers [CD-ROM], Eskom Convention Centre, South Africa. | |
2010 | How might the railway renaissance evolve in South Africa? Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth Annual Southern African Transport Conference, pp. 630-639 [CD-ROM]. Pretoria, South Africa. | |
2010 | Appraisal criteria for very high speed rail in South Africa. Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth Annual Southern African Transport Conference, pp. 663-672 [CD-ROM]. Pretoria, South Africa. | |
2010 | Heavy Haul Railway Electrification—Experiences and Prospects. Proceedings of the Joint Rail Conference, 2010, Urbana, Illinois, USA. Available for purchase at: http://www.asmedl.org/dbt/dbt.jsp?KEY=ASMECP&Volume=2010&Issue=49064. Paper number JRC2010-36151. | |
2009 | Innovation and globalization: Mainstreams and margins. Proceedings of the Ninth International Heavy Haul Conference, Vol. III. Shanghai, China International Heavy Haul Association | |
2008 | Selected heavy haul insights: Some South African perspectives:: Proceedings of the Conference on Rolling Stock of XXI Century, pp. 117-122. Khabarovsk, Russia: Far Eastern State Transport University. | |
2008 | Critical events and external intervention in railway adaptation. Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh Annual Southern African Transport Conference, pp.165-174 [CD-ROM]. Pretoria, South Africa. | |
2008 | Ultimate interoperability: Line-haul railways as global corporate citizens Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress on Railway Research, PN.1.2 [CD-ROM]. Seoul, Korea. | |
2008 | Strategies for sustainable mobility: Urban railways as global corporate citizens. Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress on Railway Research, G. [CD-ROM]. Seoul, Korea. | |
2007 | Some global touchstones in railway adaptation. Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Annual Southern African Transport Conference, pp. 660-669 [CD-ROM]. Pretoria, South Africa. | |
2007 | Leveraging global railway insight into South Africa and Africa. Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Annual Southern African Transport Conference, pp. 650-659 [CD-ROM]. Pretoria, South Africa. | |
2007 | Exploring the strategic positioning of railways for competitiveness and sustainability. Conference Proceedings AfricaRail 2007, pp. 130-132. Johannesburg, South Africa: Terrapinn. | |
2007 | Railway globalization and heavy haul. Proceedings of the International Heavy Haul Association Specialist Technical Session, pp.329-338. Kiruna, Sweden: International Heavy Haul Association. | |
2006 | Selected railway corporate strategy insights, with special reference to Turkey. Proceedings of the International Railway Symposium, Vol. 1, pp. 411-422. Ankara and Istanbul, Turkey: Turkish State Railways & Ministry of Transport. | |
2006 | A global perspective on positioning European railways. FAV Newsletter [Forschungs- und Anwendungsverbund Verkehrssystemtechnik, Berlin] No. 10, p. 2. | |
2006 | Complementarity between rail and road in promoting African development. Proceedings of the Third International Road Federation / South African Road Federation Regional Conference for Africa [CD-ROM]. Durban, South Africa. | |
2006 | Identifying the key factors for long-term sustainability. Railway Gazette International, Vol. 162, pp. 529-530, 533-534, and 536. | |
2006 | Ten questions for South African railway stakeholders. Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Annual Southern African Transport Conference [CD-ROM]. Pretoria, South Africa. | |
2006 | Railway globalization: Leveraging insight from developed- into developing regions. Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress on Railway Research [CD-ROM]. Montréal, QC, Canada. | |
2004 | A systemic approach to modulating train braking and -traction. Proceedings of the Ninety-sixth Annual Convention, pp. 146-154. Chicago, IL: Air Brake Association. | |
2003 | Globalization and open architecture for railways: The role of integrated ECP braking and distributed power. Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress on Railway Research [CD-ROM]. Edinburgh, Scotland. | |
2003 | Why heavy haul? Learning from the cost-effectiveness of heavy axle loads in South Africa. Proceedings of the Interactive Conference “Heavy Haul: The solution for Europe’s future?” Paris, France: European Rail Research Institute, International Union of Railways, & Union of European Railway Industries. | |
2002 | Integrated ECP braking plus distributed power: From business case to strategic context. Meeting of the South African Society for Railway Engineering. Esselen Park, Gauteng, South Africa. | |
2002 | Developing business cases for integrated ECP braking plus distributed power. Proceedings of the Ninety-fourth Annual Convention, pp. 117-131. Chicago, IL: Air Brake Association. | |
2001 | Strategies for freight train integrated ECP braking plus distributed power. Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Railway Research [CD-ROM]. Cologne, Germany. | |
2001 | Progress with evaluation of cable-based ECP braking and distributed power. Proceedings of the Seventh International Heavy Haul Conference, pp. 517-524. Brisbane, QLD: International Heavy Haul Association & Railway Technical Society of Australasia. | |
2001 | Soft science and heavy haul: Multivariate statistics and systemic drivers. Proceedings of the Seventh International Heavy Haul Conference, pp. 255-263. Brisbane, QLD: International Heavy Haul Association & Railway Technical Society of Australasia. | |
2000 | Evaluation of wireline ECP braking and DP on the Ermelo-Richards Bay coal export line. Proceedings of the Ninety-second Annual Convention, pp. 156-174. Chicago, IL: Air Brake Association. | |
2000 | A challenge to traditional perspectives on freight railway energy provisioning. Proceedings of the Interaction Programme “Alternate Traction Technologies.” Johannesburg, South Africa: International Union of Railways & Spoornet. It attracted editorial endorsement in International Railway Journal, Vol. 40(2), p. 1. | |
1999 | Some insights from long, heavy, freight trains. Proceedings of the Interactive Seminar [CD-ROM]. Pretoria, South Africa: European Rail Research Institute & Spoornet. | |
1999 | Freight railways for the new millennium: Africa as global player? Proceedings of the South African Transport Conference, Session 2C, pp. 1-13. Pretoria, South Africa. | |
1998 | Towards the next level of train handling technology. Proceedings of the Ninetieth Annual Convention, pp. 159-172. Chicago, IL: Air Brake Association. | |
1997 | Some practical alignment issues in transformation of a large, multicultural organization. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual International Conference on Advances in Management, p. 24. Rexdale, ON, Canada: Center for Advanced Studies in Management. | |
1997 | Industrial Age meets Information Age: Heavy haul as freight railway survival strategy. Proceedings of the Sixth International Heavy Haul Railway Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 7-21. Cape Town, South Africa: International Heavy Haul Association. | |
1993 | Safer, faster, heavier trains by optimising sensory feedback to drivers. Proceedings of the Fifth International Heavy Haul Railway Conference, pp. 25-30. Beijing, China: China Railway Society, China Academy of Railway Sciences, Beijing Railway Administration, & International Heavy Haul Association. | |
1993 | Ermelo-Richards Bay in retrospect. In G.F. Allen (Ed.), Railway Technology International 1993, pp. 225, 227-228. London: Sterling. | |
1991 | Optimisation of the economic relation between train handling and track maintenance. Proceedings of the Workshop on Maintenance of Way and Train Operations: Balancing the Conflicts, pp. 25-32. Vancouver, BC, Canada: International Heavy Haul Association & Railway Association of Canada. | |
1990 | The interrelationships between train design, train handling, and longitudinal track loading. Proceedings of the Workshop on Heavy Axle Loads, pp. 22-1 to 22-8. Pueblo, CO: International Heavy Haul Association, Association of American Railroads, & U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration. | |
1990 | 21000 Tonne heavy-haul trains on the Ermelo-Richards Bay line. South African Mechanical Engineer, Vol. 40, pp. 189-193. | |
1989 | Development of train handling techniques for 200-car trains on the Ermelo-Richards Bay line. Proceedings of the Fourth International Heavy Haul Railway Conference, pp. 574-578. Brisbane, QLD: The Institution of Engineers, Australia, & International Heavy Haul Association. | |
1988 | Train handling techniques for 21 000 tonne trains on the Ermelo-Richards Bay line. First International Heavy Haul Railway Workshop. Beijing, China: International Heavy Haul Association.
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