Target domain

The domain of corporate strategy includes many ambiguous, diverse, and unsettled issues, but Railway Corporate Strategy Close Corporation does not offer any unique contribution to resolving them. Rather, the railway industry requires substantial commitment to dedicated assets that incorporate a set of genetic technologies: Railway Corporate Strategy CC addresses the subset of corporate strategy issues that associate with those genetic technologies. It addresses both aspects of the organization-environment interface shown in the diagram on this web page, on the one hand top management's intent to position the organization, and, on the other hand, the stakeholder environment's perception of the resulting fit, positive or negative.

Themes of Work undertaken

Railway Corporate Strategy CC undertakes work in the themes of Strategic Intent and Corporate Citizenship, that is at SST Levels V and VI respectively. These relate to systemic drivers and systemic functioning; global drivers and contextual awareness; and positioning and fit. The associated objects are shown in the following Railway Corporate Strategy Domain diagram on this page.

An organizational entity functions as a unified whole system, where the theme of work is Strategic Intent. This is known as Level V in Stratified Systems Theory (SST). In this level, top management coordinates the systemic drivers that position a whole organization, typically an individual railway, in its environment. However, the presence of large-scale dysfunction inside a railway, affecting the key systemic themes of safety, service, and sustainability, may impede effective positioning.

The relevant environment, which will judge alignment either by acceptance or by rejection, lies outside the organization-environment interface. For railways, the relevant environment is global. In this level, where the theme of work is Corporate Citizenship. top management needs a world-wide diagnostic accumulation to comprehend and interpret the environment within which it must position its railway. This is known as Level VI in Stratified Systems Theory.

Railway Corporate Strategy's domain with railroad technology subset, environment interface, work and capability levelsRailway Corporate Strategy's domain with railroad technology subset, environment interface, work and capability levels
Railway Corporate Strategy's domain with railroad technology subset, environment interface, work and capability levelsRailway Corporate Strategy's domain with railroad technology subset, environment interface, work and capability levels